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MPM Stoplight Report Macro
MPM Stoplight Report Macro
The MPM Stoplight Macro is a simple, effective tool for converting static MPM report output into a dynamic analysis worksheet. The macro takes advantage of built-in MS Excel capabilities to turn cumbersome MPM printed data into a powerful Excel filtered list you can use to manage EV data for your entire WBS.
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  • The MPM Stoplight Macro combines data created by MPM Saved Reports and Exports into an Excel worksheet.
  • The macro is designed to create a separate file output (not containing any macro code) into a folder of your choosing.
  • The output contains two separate worksheets, one in hours and the other at a level of dollars you specify.
  • Contains an Excel workbook, a Word document that contains the macro documentation, and the appropriate MPM support files (for the CPR macro, this includes a Saved CPR, Saved WBS Hierarchy, WBS Export, and MPM Export format; for the WSD macro, this includes a Saved Batch WSD, Saved WBS Export, and MPM Export format).
  • BPI also offers maintenance that covers changes in MPM and Excel and macro support for all types of business processes.
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MPM Stoplight Macro
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